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Competing against giants

Do you think that success is only within the reach of the major companies? What do you need to do to play in the best leagues and compete with established brands or companies?

Find out how to make your business a success among giants. We talked to Francesc Font, Co-CEO of Incapto Coffee, about value propositions for entrepreneurship and how to become a David in a world full of Goliaths.

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The myth


The unexpected victory of the little one against the big one ... Do you know the story of David against Goliath? According to the Bible, Goliath was a giant warrior from the Philistine city of Gath, two and a half metres tall. The giant was defeated in battle by David, a young man full of faith, a shepherd and the youngest of seven brothers. The outcome was not as expected, as David defeated the most powerful, Goliath, with only a stone and a slingshot. 


Biografia Episodi 7_EMP Title

The guest


Francesc Font is co-founder of Incapto Coffee, a company that is revolutionising the world of coffee. In front of the big companies that sell capsule machines, Incapto recovers the essence of coffee beans: more natural, sustainable, economic and without intermediaries. He’s speaking with Xavier Dumont, Head of the Entrepreneurship Services of Barcelona Activa.


Cites convidat Francesc Font_Contigut web bàsic

“One question for any David who wants to compete against Goliaths is, "How sustainable is my competitive advantage?”

“You need a much higher value proposition. If the subtle differences are small, it's hard to compete with the marketing of other brands.”

“The distribution chain is being shortened, you have to go straight to the consumer.”

“’Direct to consumer’ positioning is key to success.”

“Many major companies suffer from the dilema de l’innovador. It's hard for them to adapt.”

Com emprendre amb èxit davant les grans empreses? EMP Img

Cap.7 Francesc Font

How to successfully start up in the face of major companies?

  • Have a solid, innovative and disruptive value proposition.
  • Connect with your audience by offering a new experience different from that of the big brands.
  • Listen to the audience and make use of their feedback.
  • Find a sustainable model with a positive impact.
  • Reduce costs by marketing a digital brand or ‘NDB’.
  • Talk directly to your customers without intermediaries.
  • Direct to consumer positioning.


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Services to help you achieve your goal

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Support programme for entrepreneurs in the food sector with the aim of providing improvements and innovative solutions.


The aim is to boost the creation of companies in the field of the digital sector and improve their success through advice, training and the business plan.

Fet a mà

The programme is aimed at promoting and validating projects driven by artisans with a business idea.