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Social and solidarity economy

EMP_BANNER_HEADER Economia social i solidària

Social and solidarity economy

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) is made up of socio-economic initiatives, formal or informal, individual or collective, that prioritise the needs of people over profit. 

EMP Title Com et pot ajudar

How can we help you with your social and solidarity economy project?

If you would like to know more about the areas we work in, please click here.

TEXT_CARD Com et pot ajudar l’Economia

Specialised training

We offer specific activities and programmes to encourage and strengthen cooperativism, the third sector, associations and collaborative and solidarity economies.

SSE advice

To promote your project, we offer specialised advice on aspects such as legislation, taxation, communication, financing, team organisation and management and drafting a business plan. 

Incubation communities

If you have a project committed to the SSE, you will find a collaborative work environment offering shared services and knowledge exchange at La innoBAdora in the innoBA Centre for Socio-Economic Innovation. 

EMP TITLE Apropa't Economia Social

Meet Social Economy

Further information inside the activity

EMP Title Propers tallers

Be ready to be a social entrepreneur: Upcoming workshops and seminars in Social Economy

You will find more available dates listed within the detailed information for each activity. 


EMP Button Consulta activitats ESS

EMP Banner Button Transformess

Projecte Vida Professional

EMP Title Programes per emprendre en ESS

Programmes to start-up in ESS

EMP Button Consulta programes ESS

Banner Img Assessora't en Economia Social i Solidària

Get advice on the social and solidarity economy

We offer you specialised support in the initial phases of the entrepreneurial process. 

EMP Banner Img La InnoBadora

La innoBAdora: the new incubation community for the social and solidarity economy

La Innobadora+, the Incubation Community for socio-economic initiatives

Space for organisations and projects with transformative will and practices and values of the Social and Solidarity Economy, which seek to consolidate and develop in a collaborative environment. Its hosting aspect is located at InnoBA Ca n'Andalet, in the Horta-Guinardó district, and it also offers different levels of membership and services, some of them virtual

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Descobreix la InnoBA i l'ESS amb els #DiesInnoBA

El Centre per a la Innovació Socioeconòmica és l’equipament de Barcelona Activa que concentra la recerca, la formació, la incubació, les activitats i els serveis en l’àmbit de l’ESS. Coneix tota la programació amb els #DiesInnoBA

EMP Banner Button Segueix tota l’actualitat de l'ESS


SSE videos

Arab&Kids - SAESS
Marta Roca - Construïm en femení/BizBarcelona
Urbacultura - SAESS