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LIDERA: Female professionals, executives and entrepreneurs

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For three decades, Barcelona Activa’s School for Women Entrepreneurs has backed and encouraged women in the business world. Now, the school intends to go further in the fight for gender equality by evolving into the LIDERA initiative and expanding its range of programmes and activities to support all women who want to grow professionally. 

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How can LIDERA help you growth?

LIDERA accompanies you in the process to turn your business idea into reality, grow your project or boost your professional career.

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We support you in everything you need

From LIDERA we offer you training support services and personalized advice that will be at your side to make your business idea a reality and to support you  in the process of seeking funding.

If you already have the company incorporated, you can access a mentoring program to consolidate the growth of your project.

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Activities and workshops for female entrepeneurs

You’ll find more available dates listed within the detailed information for each activity. 

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Soft skills workshop

You’ll find more available dates listed within the detailed information for each activity. 

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You’ll find more available dates listed within the detailed information for each activity. 

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EMP Title Programes per emprendre LIDERA


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Are you a women's organization? We have the place for you!

Espai LIDERA is the first workspace and meeting place designed for women’s organizations that work for equal opportunities in entrepreneurship and the business sector

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Want to join our network of women entrepreneurs?

Join our professional networking space and connect with other female entrepreneurs. 

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Lidera testimonies

Marta León - Inicia
Maria Barranco – Women Mentoring Programme
Cristina Caparrós – Lidera el canvi
Arantxa de la Peña - Lidera el canvi
Anna Llàcer - Learning to grow
Sandra Pinto - Lidera el canvi