EMP Banner Header Women Mentoring

EMP text cards Women Mentoring

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Do you want to participate in the Women Mentoring Programme?

Sign up to be a mentor or to receive expert mentoring support.

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More info about Women Mentoring Programme

Next edition:
There are two editions per year: one in spring and one in autumn.

In any case, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year and will be considered once the next editions are launched.

- Each mentoree will participate in 6 face-to-face mentoring sessions, lasting approximately 90 minutes each, and with a monthly type of frequency.

- To be determined on a flexible basis among the members of each mentoring team.

Depending on the evolution of Covid-19, the programme will be carried out in a face-to-face, online or blended format.


General information
If you are interested in doing the program Women Mentoring Programme - Per 13a ed., send the application form by clicking on the following link.


There are no activities


Program documentation

No documents.

Women Mentoring Program EMP Number Cards

Women Mentoring Programme

in numbers

mentees and mentors
Programme's NPS

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Co-financed with funds