Highlights of the service
What should you know about UXLab?
What is UXLab?
It is an advisory and support service for start-ups in the definition, creation and validation of products and services based on the philosophy of User-Centered Design.
How does it work?
The service is accessed through a maturity survey. From here, the UX expert staff will draw a customized itinerary where different aspects of the UX will be worked on together with the company.
Also, when deemed necessary, through quantitative and qualitative techniques, the company will be able to receive feedback from users thanks to the technological tools provided in the UXLab space.

What do I need to access?
1 To be an installed company in Barcelona Activa.*
2 Have a minimum viable product.
3 To develop a lawful and ethical activity, appropriate to the infrastructural and logistical characteristics of the area and that does not represent any environmental or social hazard.
*Occasionally and depending on the capacity of the service, attention may be provided to companies participating in other services or programs of Barcelona Activa, as referred by their corresponding reference technician.