Episodi 1
Alexander the Great: Untying the Gordian knots of entrepreneurship
The guest
Xavier Verdaguer has been a serial entrepreneur since 1997, an expert in innovation and e-commerce. He has founded several disruptive companies such as the Imagine Creativity Center, a benchmark centre in innovation born in Silicon Valley that promotes an entrepreneurial attitude, creativity and the transformation of companies and people all around the world.
‘An idea is just an idea. It’s the implementation that counts’.
‘Having a highly diversified team is key. And it works when you have respect, when there are shared values'.
‘When you have an idea, you have to validate 3 aspects: to show that it is feasible, desirable and viable at the business level'.
‘Entrepreneurs should live every day as if it was their first'.
‘Entrepreneurship should not be done alone. It is very important that someone accompanies you along the way’.

References of interest
The IT and marketing specialist, Guy Kawasaki and his defence of making meaning, highlights the need to promote meaningful projects for the people they are aimed at.
The expert in marketing and communication, Seth Godin, highlights the idea of correctly identifying the audience you are aiming at, so that you can do an effective storytelling of your project.
The researcher and author and expert in management, Jim Collins, through his simile of the ship he explains the importance of making mistakes and knowing how to identify where our errors are.