PD3- Fes el canvi
The programme consists of 80 hours of group sessions on management strategies and management skills and competencies. The 80 hours are held on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings.
There are also networking sessions, obligatory breakfasts with leading female managers, and optional afterworks, which focus on a specific professional development theme and where a network of contacts is created among the women.
Finally, individual coaching sessions are available and women can opt for mentoring sessions, 1 per month, with mentors from the programme.
Organization and dynamics
It is organised once a year. ATENTION: Next edition will be on 2023
The programme can be virtual, face-to-face or hybrid. Each edition will be informed in advance of the format to be used. The face-to-face sessions are held in Barcelona Activa facilities, such as the Centre per a la Iniciativa Emprenedora Glòries (C/ Llacuna, 162-164), the Convent de Sant Agustí (Plaça Pons i Clerch, 2) and the Incubadora d'Almogàvers (C/ Almogàvers, 165).
To participate in this programme, it is necessary to register for an information session and fill in the registration form (together with the CV).
After the information session, the women who are still interested and meet the profile, will participate in an individual interview.

More about 'Fes el canvi'
'Fes el canvi' favors the conditions that allow them to break the "glass ceiling" and thus be able to move from managing to leading organizations. The program seeks a leadership model based on values, committed to making business results compatible with social and environmental sustainability, and with the capacity to transform organizations and prepare them for new global challenges.
It is organized once a year.
The profile of the participants is women:
- With university studies
- Working as an employee for a company of at least 5 people.
- Holds a pre-managerial or middle management position, with a minimum experience of 1 year.
- Currently managing a team of people.
- Aspiring to develop a professional career towards managerial positions or positions of greater responsibility in the short or medium term, either in thieir current organisation or in another one.
Do you want to be a mentor pre-managerial women?
In order to participate in this programme and become part of the community of women mentors, it is necessary to fill out a registration form (including CV), which you will find by clicking here. All this documentation should be sent to the email: lidera@barcelonactiva.cat.
Please note:
- The PD3 program includes mentoring support for 6 months. Approximate start date: April.
- There will be one one-hour session per month. Mentoring will not take place during the month of August if the parties involved consider it appropriate.
- The role of the mentor is unpaid.
- The women mentors have extensive managerial experience and put it at the service of other pre-managerial women or women in middle management positions, who are in the process of transitioning to managerial positions or positions of greater responsibility than those they currently occupy.
Preparatory sessions will be organized with all mentors to better understand their motivations and assess the fit they may have with the pre-management participants.
Program documentation
Co-financed with funds