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Who are the programmes for?

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What programs do we offer you?

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Idees Madures

Program who support entrepreneurs over 40 years old to develop an idea in a feasible business.

Fes el Canvi

"Fes el canvi" is a program that accompanies professional women in the development of their individual and leadership skills.


Support program for innovative projects in the creative industry.


The Pre-incubation programme offers support in the start-up process. It is suitable for startups that need to validate their business model and market fit.

Clean Tech Camp

Program to support startups which are developing R&D projects in fields such as energy, smart cities, waste management, etc. EIT Innoenergy is the leader partner.


Inicia is a support program for women entrepreneurs. The aim of the program is to help women entrepreneurs to develop feasible business.

B-Blue Barcelona Activa Program

Program to startups of blue economy sector

Construïm en femení

For women who want to start a project with social impact.

Sustainable textiles and care

We encourage ESS practices in strategic sectors such as care or sustainable textiles.

Idees amb futur

Programa to support young entrepreneurs under 30 years old to develop new business models and launch it to the market.

Women4Climate Barcelona

LIDERA collaborates with Women4Climate, the network of C40, cities, an international program aimed at women who lead projects related to Sustainability and Climate Change. The program consists of virtual sessions at the international level, sessions at the local level and an international community with the aim of giving support and visibility to the participating women. Two editions of the program have been carried out in 2019 and 2021 with 23 projects with 29 women committed to climate change. If you are a woman leading climate change, contact

Fet a Mà

Program to support artisans to develop a feasible project


For startups in the sports sector with a defined idea and some innovation. Incubation programme in a free coworking where startups receive personalised advice, training and participate in networking activities within the sports ecosystem.


Preacceleraction programme aims to promote entrepreneurial projects and deep tech start-ups in their early stages.

Women Mentoring Programme

El Women Mentoring Programme és un programa de mentoria adreçat a dones emprenedores que vulguin consolidar el seu negoci o projecte. Comptaran amb persones amb àmplia experiència i coneixement del món empresarial que les acompanyaran durant el procés. Projectes emprenedors que necessitin consolidar-se en la fase de creixement.