B-Blue Barcelona Activa
Who is it aimed at?
This programme is aimed at start-ups that develop their activity in relation to the blue economy and that meet the following criteria:
• The start-up must have a defined idea with some innovative feature. It will be highly valued to have a first version of the product or an idea validated in the market. We ask that, if applicable, the start-up technology developed should be at least in TRL 5 (Technology Readiness Levels).
• It is not compulsory to be incorporated. If incorporated, companies that are incorporated after January 1, 2022 and do not exceed a turnover of 50,000 euros in fiscal year 2023 may be accepted.
• That the members of the promotion team are available. At least one person must be 100% dedicated to the start-up.
• Involvement and commitment to both the start-up and the programme.
• It is important that start-ups have a commitment to the environment and society, and can really demonstrate the sustainability of their business model proposals.
How can I be part of it?
If you want to participate in the programme, it is necessary to fill in the following form to be able to take part, by 11:59 pm on3rd November . Barcelona Activa technical teams, with the collaboration of external experts, if necessary, will interview the start-ups that have submitted the form and meet the established criteria.
From the applications, a maximum of 20 start-ups will be selected to take part in the Bootcamp. This bootcamp will be held during the week of 4th November from 9 am to 3 pm. The first four days will work on different aspects of the start-up and on Friday, 15th of November , an expert committee will select up to 12 start-ups that will participate in the programme.
Programme calendar
1. We accept applications until 3rd November at 11.59 PM.
2. If you meet the required criteria, we will do a personalised interview (onsite or online).
3. A maximum of 20 projects will be selected to participate in the Bootcamp from 11th November to 15th November. The activities will be face-to-face.
4. A maximum of 15 projects will be selected to participate in the programme.
5. Start of the programme, the week of 18th November.
6. Demo day: February 2025.
If you have any doubts, you can send them to emprenedoria@barcelonactiva.cat
This calendar can be modified due to external factors of the organisation.

Programme description
1. Bootcamp: an intensive training week and pitch in front of a committee of experts. This Bootcamp will be led by the AticcoLab and Barcelona Activa teams.
2. 14 days of 5-hour training. These sessions will be on site and via streaming and will be led by the AticcoLab teams.
3. Individual tutorials for each project.
4. Networking actions, such as meals with relevant actors from the ecosystem, investors, visits to companies and some other surprises.
5. Demo day in front of relevant personalities from the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the blue economy of our city and awards ceremony.
6. In this edition we will offer:
10,000 euros to the most sustainable company, sponsored by Costa Cruceros.
10,000 euros to the most innovative company, sponsored by Port of Barcelona.