
Legal Structures and Tax Systems for "Autónomos/as" and Companies

In this seminar, we"ll see the main chapters of its structure and focus on the Financial Plan as an essential part of it. We"ll learn how to access and use Barcelonactiva's Online Business Plan and the Financial Plan that it contains. We'll learn how it works, how to introduce information and what results and answers expect from it. Let's find out how accessible and useful this tool is going to be for our business.

Attended session

Friday 11 October · 16:00h - 19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: English

Specific goals | Temary

Main goal:

Enable the attendees to identify the taxes associated with the legal form of their business as well as to understand the mechanism of calculation and settlement of each of the taxes.


1.- Introduction to the Tax Systems: each Legal Structure has its Taxes
1.2.- Partnership
2.1.-Why shall I become an Autónomo?: management for an Autónomo
2.2.-Which will be my duties?
2.2.1.-Unlimited Liability
2.2.2.-Social Security
3.- Partnership
3.1.-Why shall create a Partnership?: management for a Partnership
3.2.-Which will be my duties?
3.2.1.- Unlimited Liability for Partners
3.2.3.- Social Security
4.-Income Tax for Autónomos and Professional Partnerships IRPF (Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas)
4.1.-What is the IRPF?
4.2.-Who must pay this Tax?
4.3.-What is the Collection Calendar?
4.4.-Which are the Tax Rates?
4.5.-How do I calculate this Tax?
FM-047 Fitxa dactivitat v.05 / 3
4.6.-How do I pay this Tax?
5.-Limited Liability Company
5.1.-Why shall I become an Company?: management for a Company
5.2.-Which will be my duties?
5.2.1.- Limited Liability for Partners
5.2.2.- Unlimited Liability for the Administrador.
6.- Income Tax for Companies and Commercial Partnerships
IS (Impuesto de Sociedades)
6.1.-What is the IS?
6.2.-Who must pay this Tax?
6.3.-What is the Collection Calendar?
6.4.-Which are the Tax Rates?
6.5.-How do I calculate this Tax?
6.6.-How do I pay this Tax?
7.-IVA (Value Added Tax)
7.1.-What is the IVA?
7.2.-Who must pay this Tax?
7.3.-What is the Collection Calendar?
7.4.-Which are the Tax rates?
7.5.-How do I calculate this Tax?
7.6.-How do I pay this Tax?
8.-How do I become an Autónomo?: Procedure for becoming an Autónomo
9.-How do I create a Partnership?: Procedure for creating a Partnership
10.-How do I incorporate a Company? Procedure for Company incorporation

Other available dates for this activity

Edition 1

Attended session

Friday 8 November · 16:00h -  19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: English

Edition 2

Attended session

Friday 13 December · 16:00h -  19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: English

General information

If you can not attend the activity, it is necessary that you unenroll 2 working days in advance via so that another user can take advantage of your place.

This activity is taught in English.

Documentation of the activity

Attended session

Friday 11 October · 16:00h - 19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: English

Session types: Single session

Duration: 03:00 hours

Price: This activity is free


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