

Once the capsule is made, they must know the obligations entailed by the correct application of data protection regulations; be able to identify any process where the data appears and apply the protocols (security, access to data, passwords, train workers, get ahead of cyber attacks, etc...). The most important thing about this training is that they stay with the concept of "protecting data", the obligations and the penalties for non-compliance with the regulations.

Attended session

Wednesday 22 May · 16:00h - 19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: Spanish

Specific goals | Temary

The data protection law is regulated by the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) approved in Europe.
Data protection is a fundamental right. This capsule will provide information on the techniques and procedures aimed at establishing a correct personal data policy in compliance with current regulations to minimize the risks of penalties for non-compliance or faulty compliance with legal requirements.
Employers are obliged to protect these rights and to comply with the protocols established by the regulations. It is important to know the consequences and how to use the data of our customers, employees, suppliers, etc.

1-Personal data in the current context of digitization
2-Regulatory context. Basic concepts. principles
3-Legitimation and transparency:
- Legitimation for treatment and right to information.
4-Register of treatment activities.
- Responsible and in charge.
5-Rights of interested parties; right of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, portability, limitation, etc.
-Exercise of rights. Limits and exceptions.
- contracting with third parties
- Data communication
6-Guarantee of digital rights and technologies.
-Protection of personal data and new technologies
-Cyber ¿¿security

Other available dates for this activity

Edition 1

Virtual classroom

Tuesday 18 June · 16:00h -  19:00h

(Sant Martí)

Language: Catalan

Edition 2

Attended session

Monday 22 July · 16:00h -  19:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: Catalan

General information

To be able to carry out this activity previously, you must have carried out the informative session, if you have not carried it out yet you can register at this link.

To access the face-to-face sessions it will be necessary to bring the DNI or NIE.

The activity will be carried out in the language indicated for each session and will not be changed.

Those who arrive more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed access to the classroom.

If you have any additional need to follow the activity (sign interpreter,...) let us know at least 72 hours after the start of the activity in the mailbox so that we can take the necessary steps to offer a solution.

Remember that you can manage your registration (unsubscribe, obtain a participation certificate,...) from the Activities section of the Personal Space.

In the Virtual Classroom activities, all those people who have accessed the space in the first 30 minutes of the training will be considered assisted. People who join later will be counted as not assisted and the corresponding certificate will not be generated.

Session types: Single session

Duration: 03:00 hours

Price: This activity is free


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