
Taller pràctic de Ecommerce: com començar a vendre avui

If you want to start selling your products/service online, but it seems complex to you, in this workshop we'll help you get your ecommerce store to work, making a first test sale. We'll use two of the most popular options, Shopify and Wordpress Woocommerce, or prepare the basic information (texts, images) so you can present your products to your store.Learn to register the store at Shopify and Wordpress Woocommerce. Do the practical exercise of creating the store in Shopify. Publish the store and make a test purchase

Attended session

Wednesday 5 June · 16:00h - 20:00h

Attended session

Thursday 6 June · 16:00h - 20:00h

Centre per a la iniciativa emprenedora Glòries, Carrer Llacuna, 156 - 162, (Sant Martí) BARCELONA

Language: Spanish

Specific goals | Temary

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General information

És imprescindible que portis el teu DNI o NIE vigent (o en el seu defecte el resguard de renovació). En cas que portis un NIE en paper, caldrà adjuntar també el passaport o el document d'identitat del país d'origen.
Per garantir el rigor i la qualitat formativa, no es permetrà l'entrada a l'aula un cop passats 15 minuts de l'inici de l'activitat.

Session types: Multisession

Duration: 08:00 hours

Price: This activity is free

Program: 02 - BUSINESS IDEA

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