
Learn how to plan your sales efforts to improve your results

Many entrepreneurs or small businesses have a top-notch product or service, but lack the tools to sell it. The first challenge is knowing where to start. It is very important to work with an initial sales effort plan that sets out a definite and concrete path, leaving improvisation to a minimum and at the same time allowing you to follow it flexibly and make the necessary changes to achieve your objectives.

Virtual classroom

Thursday 30 May · 16:00h - 19:00h

Language: Catalan

Specific goals | Temary

General goal of the activity:

  • Identify and learn the phases of a sales planning process.

Specific goals of the activity:

  1. Learn to set sales targets.
  2. Identify the resources available.
  3. Manage time thieves.
  4. Apply basic planning and organisation techniques.
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General information

IMPORTANT: This activity is carried out in two different formats: an in-person session or a virtual session. Go to the calendar on the website to check the format of each session.

Virtual session: the virtual sessions of this activity are offered via streaming using the free Microsoft Teams platform. Registered participants will receive the link by e-mail with the invitation and login instructions before the start of the session.

For Virtual Classroom activities, anyone who has logged into the space within the first 30 minutes of the training will be considered to have "attended". Those joining later will be considered to have "not attended" the training, and the corresponding certificate will not be issued.

In-person session: information about the place where the in-person session will take place, i.e., the address and the classroom, can be found on the website.

With in-person activities, registered participants must sign the attendance form at the reception desk of the corresponding facility in order to demonstrate their attendance.

Session types: Single session

Duration: 03:00 hours

Price: This activity is free


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