
How to develop and improve a business model: the Business Model Canvas - Online Course

Do you have a business idea but don't know how to carry it out? In this course, you will learn how to create a business model in an easy and intuitive way.


dissabte 1 de març · 00:00h - dilluns 31 de març · 23:59h

Idioma d'impartició: Anglès

Objectius específics | Temari

Maybe you think that designing the whole structure of a company, taking into account factors such as the interaction with the target audience or the resources you will need, is a very hard and complicated job. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this course, we will use the Business Model Canvas, a template that will make designing your business idea very easy!

All this, and much more, is just a click away! We are ready. Will you join us?

Altres dates disponibles per aquesta activitat

Edició 1


dimarts 1 d’abril · 00:00h -  dimecres 30 d’abril · 23:59h

Idioma d'impartició: Anglès

Edició 2


dijous 1 de maig · 00:00h -  dissabte 31 de maig · 23:59h

Idioma d'impartició: Anglès

Edició 3


diumenge 1 de juny · 00:00h -  dilluns 30 de juny · 23:59h

Idioma d'impartició: Anglès

Informació general

>> This online activity has an open edition between one and the last day of each month. It is possible to register even if it has already begun. You can access the activity materials while editing is active.

>> To register for any online activity you must have a web user created. You can create it here.

>> To obtain the certificate of realisation it is necessary to have completed all the modules of the activity before the end of the edition in which the registration has been made.


dissabte 1 de març · 00:00h - dilluns 31 de març · 23:59h

Idioma d'impartició: Anglès

Tipus de sessió: Monosessió


Preu: Aquesta activitat és gratuïta