Detall activitat
You have an idea, now let's improve it - Online Course
Do you have a business idea but suspect that something is missing? Do you think the project lacks something innovative? Do you have the feeling that the idea doesn't quite fit you? Do you think there are too many competitors and you don't know how to differentiate yourself? This course is for you!
diumenge 1 de setembre · 00:00h - dilluns 30 de setembre · 23:59h
Idioma d'impartició: Anglès
In this course, we analyse your idea from different points of view to analyse your idea, as well as the team developing it, the business model and the competitive environment in which you want to develop the business. We believe that this first analysis is essential before starting to think about improvements for your project, and the tool we will use at this point will be the SWOT.
Once you have a clear idea of what you would like to change in your project, we propose a series of actions that will help you to improve it. The idea may have to be adapted to the skills of the team, or the production or sales methods may have to be rethought in order to make the business model more profitable. This course allows you to complete your analysis step by step, reflecting on each point of the diagnosis to improve your business idea.
All this, and much more, is just a click away! We are ready. Will you join us?
Edició 1
dimarts 1 d’octubre · 00:00h - dijous 31 d’octubre · 23:59h
Idioma d'impartició: Anglès
Edició 2
divendres 1 de novembre · 00:00h - dissabte 30 de novembre · 23:59h
Idioma d'impartició: Anglès
Edició 3
diumenge 1 de desembre · 00:00h - dimarts 31 de desembre · 23:59h
Idioma d'impartició: Anglès
>> This online activity has an open edition between one and the last day of each month. It is possible to register even if it has already begun. You can access the activity materials while editing is active.
>> To register for any online activity you must have a web user created. You can create it here.
>> To obtain the certificate of realization you must complete all the modules of the activity before the end of the edition in which the registration has been made.
diumenge 1 de setembre · 00:00h - dilluns 30 de setembre · 23:59h
Idioma d'impartició: Anglès
Tipus de sessió: Monosessió
Preu: Aquesta activitat és gratuïta